IMC bring high quality education and parenting resources for Indonesian parents and children.

Being parents is one of the hardest things in life, but we would not trade it for anything else. We have been living in different countries while raising our kids. Through love for our children and passion for education, we are searching, digging, learning, practicing, experiencing, and collaborating. We embrace failures as much as successes in this parenting journey. We hope our kids continue to grow and become the best persons they could be. If you have the same passion like us, you are more than welcome to send us a message and we will get back to you shortly.



Comments (8)
  1. Salam kenal Mom Vina, glad to find this nicely-written site about montessori way of learn πŸ™‚
    I definitely would love to bookmarks all the page πŸ˜‰ Keep writing and share all the fun with baby C.K yaa!

    • Dear Anis,

      Thanks a lot!!!! I am glad you love it!!! make sure to follow by email to (upper right side) and join other mommies chit chat on forum ya!! thanks a lot πŸ™‚

  2. Pingback: » And the winners are… IMC Juni | Ide Main Anak Usia Dini | Sekolah di Rumah | Montessori di Rumah | Kumpulan Ide Permainan Anak Usia Dini Indonesia Montessori

  3. Salam kenal mom Vina :). Saya ada pertanyaan mengenai IMC challenge. Karena sy baru saja mengenal IG IMC jd masih bingung dgn kegiatan ini.. Apakah sy bisa mengikuti kurikulum homeschooling IMC tanpa mengikuti IMC challenge atau kah sy harus daftar dulu? Karena bulan Oktober ini saya 2 minggu akan berada di luar kota jd mgk tdk bs upload di IG saya. Terima kasih sebelum nya.

  4. Dear MomC,
    Saya follower ig-nya dan tertarik untuk belajar bagaimana mendidik anak dengan pendekatan Montessori, kebetulan saya baru di karuniai anak pertama berumur 1 bulan. Bagaimana dan darimana saya harus memulai? Apakah mendaftar dulu?
    Terimakasih sebelumnya πŸ™‚

  5. Dear mom vima.
    saya sdang mencari buku how to rise amazing child with montessori way. Tpi ssh bgt di gramed jabodetabek sdh habis. Ad referensi tmpat dmn saya bisa mebelinya tidak?
    Thanks b4

  6. Hi. I love your website.
    I’m from the UK but moved to Indonesia in January this year. I’m home-schooling my two sons (4yrs & 1 yr).
    Could you tell me where you buy learning resources in Indonesia or do you order online?

  7. Pagi momc,,salam kenal momc,,saya mau minta pencerahan dan saran yg bagus diperkenalkan untuk latihan sensorik anak
    Umur 13bulan2minggu itu yg mana yh mom,? Terimakasih

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