Kreasi Abstrak Inspirasi dari Jackson Pollock

There was a reviewer a while back who wrote that my pictures didn’t have any beginning or any end. He didn’t mean it as a compliment, but it was.”

– Jackson Pollock

Minggu lalu saat kami ke perpustakaan dekat rumah, kami sempat meminjam beberapa buku termasuk salah satunya buku berjudul Art Up Close from Ancient to Modern yang sepertinya sudah tidak diterbitkan lagi. Suka sekali begitu melihat buku ini karena gambarnya menarik dan sangat besar , saya kira cocok untuk mengenalkan berbagai jenis aliran seni. Selama ini untuk invitation to create, biasanya saya belum memberikan contoh / inspirasi dan lebih membiarkan C berkreasi bebas menggunakan bahan-bahan yang disiapkan. Kali ini saya coba siapkan undangan untuk melukis dengan memberi contoh inspirasi lukisan karya Jackson Pollock. Menurut saya cocok untuk mulai diberikan ke usia anak prasekolah karena lukisan Jackson Pollock adalah aliran yang abstrak…jadi si kecil bias terinspirasi dan bebas berkreasi tanpa batas menggunakan bahan yang ada.

Jackson Pollock was an influential American painter, and the leading force behind the abstract expressionist movement in the art world. During his lifetime, Pollock enjoyed considerable fame and notoriety. Jackson Pollock’s greatness lies in developing one of the most radical abstract styles in the history of modern art, detaching line from color, redefining the categories of drawing and painting, and finding new means to describe pictorial space.

Hampir ngga pernah nolak kalau disedikana kuas dan cat, C suka bebas-bebas saja berkreasi…dan saya juga tidak membatasi imajinasinya dengan mengajarkannya menggambar bentuk tertentu dll. Memang sengaja saya biarkan bebas-bebas saja pada tahap ini. Seru sekali sampai C melukis 4-5 halaman besar sambil bercerita sendiri dan bergumam-gumam sendiri seperti “wow colorful !!” “splatter splatter ouu ouu splashing!!” sambil mengibas-ngibaskan kuas nya. Untung saja lantainya sudah dilapisi cover yang cukup besar, jadi saya sih santai-santai saja..begitu selesai tinggal di bawa ke halaman dan di bilas terus udah deh hehehe.

Setelah selesai melukis, C sebut-sebut terus “Jacksooonnn Polloccckkk!!! Jacksoooonn Pollocckk!!! “ Rencananya saya ingin menceritakan lebih lanjut sedikit banyak tentang biografi Jackson Pollock nantinya. Dan setelah itu, apabila C tertarik rencananya mau dikenalkan juga ke artist aliran abstrak lainnya seperti Paul Klee dan juga tentunya Pablo Picasso.

A dripping wet canvas covered the entire floor … There was complete silence … Pollock looked at the painting. Then, unexpectedly, he picked up can and paint brush and started to move around the canvas. It was as if he suddenly realized the painting was not finished. His movements, slow at first, gradually became faster and more dance like as he flung black, white, and rust colored paint onto the canvas. He completely forgot that Lee and I were there; he did not seem to hear the click of the camera shutter … My photography session lasted as long as he kept painting, perhaps half an hour. In all that time, Pollock did not stop. How could one keep up this level of activity? Finally, he said ‘This is it.’

Pollock’s finest paintings… reveal that his all-over line does not give rise to positive or negative areas: we are not made to feel that one part of the canvas demands to be read as figure, whether abstract or representational, against another part of the canvas read as ground. There is not inside or outside to Pollock’s line or the space through which it moves…. Pollock has managed to free line not only from its function of representing objects in the world, but also from its task of describing or bounding shapes or figures, whether abstract or representational, on the surface of the canvas.

— Karmel, 132

In addition to the ‘drip and splash’ style, the All-over method of painting, is also one which is tied to Jackson Pollock, and many of the artworks he created. This art form avoids any clear and distinct points of emphasis, or any identifiable parts within the canvas being used to create the piece. The designs and images which were created using this style of painting, really had no relation to the size of the canvas that was worked on; the lack of dimensions, and disregard for size of the drawings, were some unique features which this form of art captured. Many of the pieces which Jackson Pollock created following this style, required him to trim or crop the canvas, in order for the image to fit in, and to work with the overall features of the art.

Seru loh main ciprat-cipratan dan berkreasi bebas ala Jackson Pollock, yuk dicoba!


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