In a sense, all children are scientists because they genuinely want to know what is happening around them and within them, and to know why. The first knowledge children accumulate grows from direct experience rather than from guided learning.
Silakan cek di bawah untuk kegiatan belajar di rumah aspek kultur dan kegiatan sains untuk anak usia dini :
* Let’s Explore Our World
* Introducing Natural Stones
* Matching Musical Instruments
* Explore Symmetry & Reflections
* 3 Period Lesson about Various Kind of Wood
* Matching Continents
* Matching ‘Around The World’ Buildings
* Yuk Jalan-Jalan Keliling Dunia (Montessori Geografi)
* Matching Geometric Solid / Mencocokan Bangun Ruang
* Yuk Jalan-Jalan ke Afrika dan mengenal binatang dari Afrika (Montessori Geografi)
* Ide Permainan Sensori : Continents Around the World
* Ide Liburan Anak : Jalan-Jalan Sambil Memperkenalkan berbagai Buah & Sayuran
*Kegiatan PAUD Sekolah Rumah : Matching Vegetables : Mencocokkan Sayuran dalam Bahasa Indonesia