⏱⌚️⏰🕰 From South Kensington, with Love and wish to share our journey, hope you can see what we saw, feel what we felt and hope these simple pictures inspire you and little one ❤️
dear IMC readers seperti yang saya infokan beberapa saat lalu yaaa kami sedang travel hehe jadi update nya slow , suka banget so far sama semua Museum di sini keren beneran speechless…sama speechless nya level nya sama museum-museum di Italy , France dll yang dulu kami kunjungi … salah satu exhibition yang kami lihat sejarah dan awal mula dibuatnya JAM – the Clockmakers tema pamerannya 😍 ini sebagian area pamerannya mulai dari jam jaman dulu sekali sampai jam sekarang…keren dan unik ya! semoga bisa ikut bayangin ya dengan foto-foto ini! ⌚️⏰
ini cuma sebagian kecil aja yang sempat terfoto….harap maklum ya travel berdua C saat dadC conference jadiii yaaa fotonya begini sedapatnya ha…namun saya berharap foto-foto ini bisa jadi oleh-oleh untuk my beloved IMC readers yang udah nungguin! semoga bisa bayangin yaaaaa…dan ikut terinspirasi juga!
sampai jongkok gitu ya C….
rasanya sehari tuh ga cukup deh, padahal kami masih jetlag loh tapi bela-belain deh ke museum-museum yang sudah kita incar hehehe
Keren banget banget banget kan?
semoga bisa bayangin ya, silahkan di kasih liat si kecil jugaaa yaaaa , I really hope we can share as much as we can what we saw…semoga menjadi inspirasi dan oleh-oleh dari IMC ya….😍
Supported by DCMS/Wolfson Museums & Galleries Improvement Fund
Discover the world’s oldest clock and watch collection in its new home at the Science Museum.
The collection includes more than 1000 watches, 80 clocks, 25 marine chronometers and a number of fine sundials and examples of hand engraving, which map the history of innovation in watch and clock making in London from 1600 to the present day.
Assembled by the Worshipful Company of Clockmakers and once located in the Guildhall, this remarkable array of timepieces traces the story of the capital’s clockmakers from their first marine chronometers and mechanical clocks through the evolution of the wristwatch.
John Harrison was the inventor of the marine chronometer. Among the collection’s highlights are the fifth one he made, which he completed in 1770, and a four-month duration longcase clock by the father of English watchmaking, Thomas Tompion. #travelwithIMC #greatbritain #london #southkensington #indonesiamontessorihomeschool #IndonesiaMontessoriCom #indonesiamontessori #imcclub
Hi Mom C and C…
Ahhhh awesomeee…..
Sampe pas baca aku lihat gambarnya satu per satu sambil tercengang….
Dari sini aku jadi punya pandangan bahwa ketika mengajak anak travelling harus ada unsur edukatifnya, jadi ga hanya jalan – jalan semata tapi ada ilmu dan pengalaman yang di dapat dan bermanfaat tentunya…..
ahhhh hope.. soon to be there….London oh London….
Wahh so happy to hear that!