Happy weekend! What a fun laid-back playdate at our local library… Meskipun kalau udah liat choo choo train table…anak-anak seusia C dan teman-temannya lebih milih main choo choo train dan kejar2an…di banding pilih buku…tapi suasana yang mendukung di library tetap membuat mereka pada akhirnya minta di bacain beberapa buku juga balik2 lagi pentingnya the prepared environment ala Montessori dan juga exposure yang kita berikan ke si kecil…semakin sering kita ajak ke tempat2 yang mendukung, hopefully lama-lama si kecil makin merasa “belong” dengan suasana tersebut…Ingat mommies daddies raising readers is NOT about who are able to read First, but about raising kids who love to read and thirsty of knowledges…who are curious and eager to learn and self motivated… it is not about comparing who can read first with your friends’ kids – this does NOT MATTER really .


Senang playdate sama mom yang sependapat tanpa membandingkan milestones si kecil…membandingkan milestones si kecil tidak merubah keadaan, seperti selalu momC bilang it is your task as parents to stimulate it is YOUR responsibilities! Comparing will not go anywhere , yes really! Just wasting your energy and mind and your kids will silently know that you are not “pleased” with their current state… Be happy with each one’s current state , not with other kids’ state. It’s their own business.

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Beberapa benefits bermain bersama-sama : Play boosts children’s creativity and imagination. Play gives children the chance to invent, build, expand, explore and develop a whole different part of the brain.
Play stretches our children’s attention span. Play boosts self-confidence and self-regulation. Kids learn to become masters of their own destiny without an adult directing, pushing, managing or scheduling.Play forges friendships, strengthens social competence and teaches social skills .

Let’s Play!